Title: Femme Fatale: Love, Lies, and the unknown life of Mata Hari
Author: Pat Shipman
Mata Hari is someone that is kind of unavoidable when reading about burlesque, strippers, and the like. I'd often wondered about her, as i'd seen pics but never had actually read anything about her other than that she was popular.
I found out due to this book, that I do not care for her as anything but a visual.
The woman was insufferable.
Shes basically Scarlett O'hara from the Gone withe the Wind movie (i've never read the book) as a real person.
She cared really almost nothing about anyone but herself, and anything of real value except for her own personal gain/money. She was highly promiscuous, a cheater, and most definitely a liar. She was counted as a spy for germany, france, and russia though it seems like she cheated them as well (for a paycheck without following through with orders) which finally caught up to her in the end.
She (and anyone she was with) was constantly in HUGE amounts of debt due to her spending habits, and it seems as though she suffered from syphilis from her first husband (which in the end led to the demise of her two children.).
Basically the short of it is that she was spoiled rotten for her whole life.
((Weird side note: her head appears to have been stolen from its place in a museum a long while back after her execution.))
ISBN: 978-0060817312