Monday, January 23, 2017

Threadbare: clothes, sex & trafficking

Trying to keep up with the blog, it is difficult. Four years ago it would have been much easier, before all the memory problems set in. I used to be able to read very quickly and retain everything. Now i'm relegated to 4 hours for a simple manga, and a day for a thin book. Makes me a bit frustrated.

I used to be able to go and pick up 40 odd books from the library and finish/return them within the week. Now... Not so much.

Today's book is:

Title: Threadbare: Clothes, sex & trafficking
by: The Ladydrawers and Anne Elizabeth Moore

This is a comic book style informative project. It reminds me very much of the comics you see in asia that explain everyday scenarios and objects. (A few of those books were available at the library this time around so I was able to get those as well. Those are always exciting to me -yes i know. So bland. haha) 
There are a lot of artists in this one, I'll write out the names of the ones it lists on the back of the book. (pardon me if I miss any)  

Leela Corman
Julia Gfrorer
Simon Haussle
Delia Jean
Ellen Lindner
Melissa Mendes

This is a pretty rad book. It looks into the intertwining aspects of the sex industry, womens rights, and the clothing industry. 
It has four sections broken up into 5-6 comics apiece; with notes at the end of each "chapter" so that you can look up the topics on your own, a sort of bibliography. 
The sections are:

The United States
The World

It seems to start off with the modeling and clothing industries and slowly niggles its way into the more taboo topics of prostitution and sweatshops. There are a lot of things that I learned reading this book, the majority of which were found in the Austria section. I just had no idea. 

This book is full of taboo and controversial topics but is definitely a  good, informative read. I will be looking up other books by this group of writers. =)

ISBN: 978-1-62106-739-9

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