Thursday, February 23, 2017

Oishinbo: Japanese Cuisine

With this title i'm filing it as a back date as to fill up the gaps of days i've missed.
I've been very sick with brain issues lately and so I keep having to skip reading days.

Title: Oishinbo a la carte: Japanese Cuisine
Author: Tetsu Kariya
Artist: Akira Hanasaki

This is volume 1 of the Oishinbo series by Tetsu Kariya and Akira Hanasaki. It follows the story of Yamaoka Shiro, and his co workers as they go through trials and tribulations of finding the best foods for their newspaper column. This was the most boring so far of the Oishinbo series, as it had no real lessons or morals in it. In fact it seemed to mostly be Shiro having fights with his father (who is a master chef or something) and his father being a pompous windbag.  

As the series progresses (and i'm reading them out of order) it improves a great deal. Each volume includes recipes for a meal featured in its pages. This one so happened to be two recipes: Pine-skin seabream  and Kamishio seabream. 

Theres not much substance to this volume as i've said, but it touches on how "real chefs should not smoke" and how some things like strawberries should be enjoyed without toppings to cover their natural flavor.
Pretty sure if I had started with this first volume I would have abandoned the manga series from my reading list.

ISBN: 978-1-4215-2139-8

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