Sunday, February 19, 2017

Will Sparrow's Road

Title: Will Sparrow's Road
Author: Karen Cushman

Will Sparrow's Road takes place in Elizabethan England. It follows twelve year old Will through the trials and hardships that he faces and the decisions that he has to make all by himself to survive.
After being sold to an innkeeper by his father (who blamed him for the depart of his mother) to settle a drinking debt, he decides to run away instead of becoming a "climbing boy".
-A climbing boy is the term for a small person or child who was send up to work as a chimney sweep. This was a very dangerous position as there were no safety regulations.-

On his way he meets many disreputable people and learns that the only one he should truly trust is himself. He also learns to judge people not by what they look like or appear to be, but by their actions towards oneself and others.

I was surprised at this book, as Cushman generally writes with female main characters. This was a very welcome addition to her writings. I really enjoyed the bits and pieces added in about buskers and sideshows. 

Great work as always.

ISBN: 978-0-547-73962-5

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